PhD in Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless sensor networks need more energy for clustering, routing, broadcasting, localization, onboard calculations, maintenance, etc. The existing clustering routing protocol such as Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) reduces the lifetime and energy efficiency of WSN because of their extensive sensing, frequent communication and costly processing. Hence, we have proposed a Content based Adaptive and Dynamic Scheduling (CADS) algorithm using two-way communication model in wireless sensor networks to enhance the energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks and improve lifetime to provide better WSN network. The proposed system is better than the existing system because it regulates and controls the node’s components, reduces unnecessary network traffic and avoid redundant message forwarding to achieve energy efficiency in WSN. CADS uses Sensor Medium Access Control (S-MAC) protocol.
The proposed system uses a four-state model where every node uses a specific state. Every state executes with different energy levels. The sensed data packets are collected by the nodes and passed to the base station to analyze further. The base station consists of analyzer module which analyses the contents of the data packets and transmits the control messages to the nodes according to the contents. The node adapts a specific state after receiving the control message. Thus, analyzer module changes the state of a node and control messages are responsible for the proper functioning of the nodes. CADS work in different phases. The nodes are categorized in to four different states based on the activation of different components present inside the sensor node. The sensing module senses the event and passes the data to the microprocessor which forwards it to communication module.
Problem Statement
Proposed Solution
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