PhD in Lightweight Authentication based Cyber System

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PhD in Secure and Lightweight Authentication With Key Agreement for WSN Cyber Security System

IOT enabled sensor networks widely now been implemented in smart homes, healthcare and also in manufacturing lightweight verification is a validation method proposed to utilize gadgets with low assets. Here wireless supports different application domains and helps to build the security protocols for improve using the network. It is much helpful for the secure E-healthcare applications based on Secure and lightweight authentication with key agreement for wsn cyber security system 


To overcome the security issues in various online resource thus we need an approach to resistant against hacks by using this form of wireless networks IOT devices.authenticated key agreement protocol used for the communication of different distanced devices based on energy consumption of nodes along with process of Secure and lightweight authentication with key agreement for wsn cyber security system. Thus the results have been analyzed through performance analysis of proposed scheme and the energy cost of proposed scheme is saves in authentication failure .These are the implementation takes in cyber security system. Based on Secure and lightweight authentication with key agreement for wsn cyber security system 

PhD in Secure and Lightweight Authentication With Key Agreement for WSN Cyber Security System


  • Lightweight solution will always minimizing the computation overheads is a major issue in terms of weak in security concern.
  • Wireless sensor network will need a solution for securing the data during communication while handling large number of sensor nodes.
  • Facing the issues related to IOT E-Health application, such as remote surveillance of elder pulse privacy and security.
  • Even after implementation of complex security schemes still security issues are the major obstacle for several IOT application.


  • Enhance the protocol to require only pre-shared key and still achieve PFS to rely on a commit protocol.
  • Lightweight solution for security based on hash exor helps to make the concern work suitable for WSN
  • Providing performance analyzing proposal scheme instead of previous lightweight scheme for maintaining failure less authentication.
  • Authenticated key agreement protocol helps to establish secure channels through nodes using the (GN) group node concept.


“Ultra-lightweight authentication scheme” is used in this proposal and there is a Need to simulate the proposed authentication scheme using Cooja simulator of Contiki OS and to test it in a real deployment for satisfying the needs of low cost and communication and computation with high level security.

Our Experts provide complete guidance for PhD in Secure and lightweight authentication with key agreement for wsn cyber security system. PhD in Secure and lightweight authentication with key agreement for wsn cyber security system coding and implementation support.

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