PhD in Priority Scheduling in IoT Devices

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PhD in Priority Scheduling in IoT Devices

The IoT Internet of things is a worldwide developed technology which provides connectivity to various applications through its network oriented service. With the help of wireless sensor network (WSN) that the IoT devices are connected worldwide through Priority scheduling in IoT devices. To design a priority based adaptive scheduling algorithm for the IoT based resources and thus sensors having heterogeneous applications are considered for scheduling. In IoT that the device in the coverage area of an IoT gateway and schedules the transmission thus priority based on average load solves form of Priority scheduling in IoT devices.


The Resource and task scheduling for the IoT system in which that minimizes average data rate and minimum task performing rates of IoT device. The duty-cycle of each node will be adaptively fixed based on various properties like, remaining energy, priority of traffics, size of queue,etc. that the computation time of MC-LAPAL scales are linear with various devices. Thus it approach to the solution of the massive access problem of IoT stands in contrast with certain protocols where the IoT gateways merely reacts to the current traffic demand based on Priority scheduling in IoT devices.

PhD in Priority Scheduling in IoT Devices


  • Still the QoS of emergent medical information deliveries are in unprotected open source it may leads to serious issue in healthcare domain.
  • The resource allocation within its particular time is a major issue to be faced on the task allocation.
  • The routing algorithm will having certain congestion problem due increase in packet follow.


  • Based on scheduling algorithm that the tasks are mapped to virtual machines to improve the throughput of datacenter.
  • By randomly selecting the next node helps to select a node which already visited from loops in certain path.
  • The TMDC mechanism of medical packet is having high priority-aware and better than beyond-WBAN transmission service.
  • The ACO and task scheduling algorithm will contribute the scheduling process the IoT with the minimum task performing rate.


  • Priority based adaptive scheduling algorithm is proposed to consider the heterogeneous application of sensors in IoT.
  • The two step algorithm is proposes to provide feasible returns of an optimal solutions along implied constraints using Priority scheduling in IoT devices.
  • Context-aware adaptive resource allocation algorithm is proposed for WBANs, to prioritize data traffics according to its condition.
  • The powerful and improved genetic algorithm is proposed to optimize task scheduling solutions
  • The Multi-objective task included scheduling algorithm is proposed for mapping the task.


  • In the future, to develop novel methodologies to simulate various IoT devices in a certain ranges. And with apply general framework to investigate targeted Priority scheduling in IoT devices
  • Generalizing MC-JFS from the single-gateway setting withmultiple gateways in order to accumulate mobile IoT covering areas.

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