UAV- unmanned aerial vehicle which sets a new trend in unmanned security as a great success for security based research and development. These vehicles are controlled by remote control equipment and with self-learning equipment devices, in recent year UAVs are now been used for border and reserve security areas to find illegal entries in certain countries like china, japan, Germany and Iran. In agriculture, UAVs are used to spray pesticides, land survey, etc. UAVs are highly maintaining its accuracy by using mathematical mapping frameworks based onUAV path planning problem about UAV attack
The visual simulation platform is needed for multi-UAV co-operative search-attack mission using interaction interference. The information received from base source and transmitted to computation layer and visual software synchronously. The PIO algorithm simulates the pigeon behavior to landmarks the destination and the pathway modifications are also considered and adjust based on direction. Thus it act as navigator and UAVs organize to conduct co-operative search attack under complex environment with threats. By preplanning and modifying the location based GPS drives UAV into its corresponding path with the help of pigeon inspired algorithm. By implementing the UAV path planning problem about UAV attack
Our experts provide complete guidance for PhD in path planning techniques against UAV attacks